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How to Use the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report for Better Ecommerce Analytics

Cameron Smith

As an ecommerce manager, you understand the importance of analytics in driving your store’s success. One valuable tool in your analytics arsenal is the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report. This report provides insights into customer satisfaction and product performance by showing the distribution of customer ratings for each product in your store. In this article, we will discuss how to use this report effectively to optimize your ecommerce strategy.

What is the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report?

The Customer Product Rating Distribution Report is a tool that categorizes customer ratings for each of your products into different segments. These segments typically include 1-2 stars, 3-4 stars, and 5 stars. By analyzing the distribution of ratings across your product catalog, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your products are perceived by customers. This report allows you to see which products are performing well and which ones may need improvement.

How to Access and Generate the Report

Accessing and generating the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report in Shopify is simple. Within the Shopify dashboard, navigate to the Analytics section. From there, look for the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report. You can customize the report by selecting a specific date range, filtering by product category, or applying other relevant filters. Once you have chosen your parameters, generate the report to see the distribution of customer ratings for your products.

It is recommended to regularly generate and review the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report to stay updated on customer sentiment and product performance. By keeping an eye on the ratings and making necessary adjustments, you can foster a better customer experience and improve your bottom line.

Interpreting the Report: Key Metrics to Focus On

When reviewing the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report, there are several key metrics that you should focus on:

Average rating: The overall average rating of each product provides a quick snapshot of customer satisfaction. Products with consistently low average ratings may require further attention and improvement.

Distribution of ratings: The report will show the percentage of ratings falling into each category, such as 1-2 stars, 3-4 stars, and 5 stars. Pay close attention to the distribution as it can provide insights into how customers perceive your products.

Product performance: Examine the distribution of ratings across different products. Identify top-performing products with high percentages of 5-star ratings, and conversely, identify products with higher percentages of negative ratings.

By focusing on these key metrics, you can identify areas of strength and weakness in your product catalog, and take data-driven actions to improve customer satisfaction and drive sales.

Taking Action Based on the Report Findings

Taking action based on the findings of the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report is crucial to improving customer satisfaction and driving sales. Here are some actionable steps you can take:

  1. Improve product descriptions and images: If you notice low average ratings or a high percentage of negative ratings for certain products, consider enhancing the product descriptions and images. Clear and informative descriptions, along with high-quality images, can significantly impact customer perception and increase the likelihood of positive ratings.

  2. Address common customer complaints or issues: Pay attention to common complaints or issues mentioned in negative ratings. Take steps to address these concerns by improving product quality, updating product specifications, or providing more detailed customer support information. By proactively addressing customer feedback, you can demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

  3. Provide better customer support or post-purchase services: If you observe a pattern of negative ratings related to customer support or post-purchase services, consider enhancing these areas. Offer multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat or phone support, and ensure that your team is well-trained and responsive. Additionally, consider implementing a seamless return and exchange process to improve the overall customer experience.

Regularly monitor and update your product catalog based on customer feedback and ratings. The Customer Product Rating Distribution Report is a valuable tool that can guide your decision-making and help you continually improve your ecommerce strategy.


The Customer Product Rating Distribution Report is a powerful tool for ecommerce managers seeking to optimize their online stores. By using this report effectively, you can gain valuable insights into customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and take data-driven actions to enhance the overall customer experience. Regularly generating and reviewing the report, focusing on key metrics, and taking action based on the findings will enable you to continually improve your product catalog and drive sales. Embrace the Customer Product Rating Distribution Report as your ecommerce analytics ally, and watch your customer satisfaction and sales grow.

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